I am sure by now the world must have heard or read about the gruesome murders of 4 young University of PortHarcourt boys. An unjust murder, maybe a pre-meditated one. I have tried (I must confess) to justify their being murdered but I find none. In my 30-something years on earth, I have never seen anything like the way those boys were murdered! The person who posted the life video on how they were been killed should not be left unpunished! Why couldn't he have called for help from the police but all the person did was to capture the 'motion-picture' and then circulate it!
Even when common unconfirmed thieves were caught, they would only be beaten mercilessly but not killed in most instances and then marched to the nearest police station. But that was not the case for these boys!
I have been asking....what is going on with our youths today? The youths of today are involved in a lot of hideous crimes, you just name them. Funnily, their ages range from 19 years to 25 years. If it is not killing, it will be stealing. If it is not stealing, it will be armed robbery and worse still recruits for bombing!
Whether we like it or not, we are slowly killing the hope of 'Beautiful ones being born'. Please whom can we point accusatory fingers at? Is it our parents, who give us too much too handle or who give nothing at all, leaving us to hustle for ourselves...desperately too sometimes. Or is it the fact that they get caught up in their problems and material things of life, so much so that they can't even spare us a second of their time!
I will keep saying this.."The best legacy a parent can give his or her child are good morals and values" not properties and money.
We shall never get to know the true story of what happened to these boys because they were never given a chance to defend and uphold their honour. There are so many versions to the story but then, who cares?! They are dead and gone. For all I know, it may have been a case of 'being at the wrong place at the wrong time and probably with the wrong friends'! Even at that, it was not enough to kill those bright stars, those 'future of tomorrow'.
When the story of these boys' death broke out, I looked at my son and asked myself where do I start from to tell him, " Son, please face your books. Don't join cult O! Don't follow bad friends O! Don't drink alcohol and don't smoke.." Because, no mother can stand the pain of her son being killed in that manner!
On a final note, parents, remember you are the first teachers of your children. Get involved in their lives today please! Don't bond with them only when they come home from school, do some private investigations on the kind of activities they are involved in at school...so that this kind of mess will not be our portion in the mighty name of Jesus.
May the souls of Tekena, Ugonna, Chidiaka and Lloyd rest in perfect peace. May your families continue to find solace in the Lord for He knows best. And to your killers...I hand them over to God for judgement. Amen.
I believe your deaths will not ever be in vain.
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