Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hi readers, Welcome to my very first blog. I am sure you are wondering what my blog site is all about. Well wonder no more! Let's just say "I am a concerned citizen of teenagers health and the environment in which they live". For the sake of our lay readers, I will be using a lot terminologies such as adolescents,teenagers and youths interchangeably. And when I use these terms, I am referring to people who fall in the age category of 10yrs and 24yrs. I'd like you to look around you. Can you honestly nod your head and say you like how the youth are turning out to be, especially our Nigerian youth?! Spiritually, physically,socially and even emotionally...not commendable. But who is to blame?...is it the family, society or Government? Me O! I don't know sha because me sef, I am a partaker in the blame. Finally,to cut the long story short, my blog site will reveal, highlight and enlighten my readers on some of, if not most of the health and health related problems our youths are facing. Such issues would include, early marriage, teenage pregnancy, abortion,sexual abuse, and so on and so forth. Just stick around sha! You are very welcome to share your views while I sit on the fence because why?...I can't shout! Happy reading!

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